Useful Documents

Damage Report


If you spot or cause damage to the car, please use this form to report it and notify .

If the damage affects the car’s roadworthiness call 03301114766


Incident Report


If you get into an accident, you will need to fill in an incident report form.

There should also be a copy in the Members’ folder in the car.

You should also notify us on 03301114766

Accident/ Breakdown

If you have an accident:

– Find a safe place to stop

– Call emergency services if needed

– Call insurance :

– Call us on 03301114766

Breakdown: Call 0800420420 the registration is username

Find our start up guide for community car clubs here. It is a work in progress, but feel free to get in touch if you would like to talk through it or have any ideas on improving it!

Start up Guide

Reach Us

We’re always keen to hear from you. Do you want to calculate our potential savings? Hear more about how the club works? Interested in supporting this project?If you have been in touch before – please note that our form has not been working and try again.

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